Monday, December 30, 2019

Significance Of Conflict Resolution - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 794 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2019/08/02 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Conflict Resolution Essay Did you like this example? Conflict is inevitable. It happens between siblings at a young age and it happens between adults in their personal lives and throughout their careers.   What exactly is conflict?   According to Liddle (2017), there are two kinds of conflict:   The first kind of conflict is dysfunctional conflict. It goes by many names: grievance, bullying, harassment, feud, quarrel, complaint. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Significance Of Conflict Resolution" essay for you Create order This is the kind of conflict that costs money, wastes time and creates stress.   The second type of conflict is functional conflict. Functional conflict examples include healthy debate, dialogue, disagreement and problem-solving. Functional conflict is at the heart of most healthy, happy and harmonious relationships.   The purpose of this paper is to better understand why conflict resolution is important, the impact of conflict on organizational performance and strategies to resolve conflict.   Why is conflict resolution so important?   Everyone at some point or another will have to deal with conflict.   The ability to identify and resolve conflict is an extremely important competency.   When conflict is resolved successfully, there can be benefits, including accomplishing individual and team goals and strengthening personal and work relationships.   Within an organization, when people share their own unique opinions, they are able to achieve corporate and personal goals. Conflict, when not handled appropriately, causes personal problems, prevents advancement in career opportunities and healthy relationships (T. Schmitz, 2017). Conflict resolution allows for constructive change to occur. If problems and disagreements are ignored rather than being handled constructively, things can only go one of two ways; either things stay the same, or they get worse. But, when people discuss their differences and work through them together, the stage is set for positive change to occur. Although it might be easier in the short term to leave things as they are, this struggle helps everyone involved in the conflict to work through the problem while developing stronger relationships (Jacobson, 2017). According to the Society for Human Resource Management (2018), workplace conflict is inevitable when employees of various backgrounds and different work styles are brought together for a shared business purpose. Conflict should be managed and resolved. The first steps in handling workplace conflict belong, to the employees who are at odds with one another. The employers role is to develop a workplace culture designed to prevent conflict among employees to the extent possible. Depending on who you ask, there are many different strategies to resolving conflict.   Everyone, however, agrees that its an important and necessary part of life.   According to The American Management Association (2017), there are five primary ways to resolve conflict.   The first action is to identify the source of the conflict.   The more information you have about the cause of the conflict, the more easily you can help to resolve it.   The second action is to look beyond the incident. Often, it is not the situation but the perspective on the situation that causes anger to fester and leads to a shouting match or other visible, disruptive, evidence of a conflict. Requesting solutions is also an important step in resolving conflict.   After identifying all of the parties involved and gaining their viewpoint, the next step is to identify how the situation can be changed.   The mediator of conflict resolution should be cautious to listen and identify solutions that both parties can agree upon.   This fourth step is important as all parties need to feel their opinions are being valued.   The last step is agreement.   All parties should agree upon the resolution to ensure that the issue does not come back up in the future.     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Most people would be able to provide stories about conflicts they had at one time or another during their lives.   Depending on level of experience, the conflict may have been resolved to their satisfaction, or it may have left them with a negative experience to reflect back on.  Ã‚   Understanding conflict and why it happens is one of the first steps necessary to address a situation when it arises.   The understanding the importance of conflict resolution and how it impacts personal relationships is fundamental in deciding how to resolve it.   In doing research there are a lot of opinions on how to resolve conflict.   Ultimately, it is up to the individuals involved to be open to talking through situations and resolving conflict.   Resources American Management Association. (2013). The five steps in resolving conflict. Retrieved: DiTullio, L. (2014). Lean in to team conflict. The Public Manager.   Retrieved from:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Jacobson, S. (2017).The benefits of conflict resolution. Retrieved from: Liddle, D. (2017). Dont just quash conflict resolve it. Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). Retrieved from: magazine/1117/pages/dont-just-quash-conflict-resolve-it.aspx Schmitz, T. (2017). Conflict resolution: an important life skill: Retrieved from:

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Are Gender Roles Forced Upon Us - 1482 Words

Are Gender Roles Forced Upon Us? Remember the 50s in America, how men were the predominant head of the household and women were expected to cook, watch their kids, and clean? This is an excellent example of gender roles, and how they control some aspects of life. Gender roles according to multiple sources are, the way people behave, what they do and say, to express being a female or male. (â€Å"Gender Identity†, Blackstone, Gender Spectrum). They are forced upon an individual from the day that person is born even in the most trivial of terms of putting boys in blue clothes and girls in pink. Throughout that person’s life from then on, they will face everyday cultural expectations to act according to their sex. Gender roles can often be confusing and hurtful, many stores are moving away from assigning products to a specific gender, but not only can gender roles affect behavior, it plays a huge role in transgenderism. Many people confuse the definition of gender and sex. â€Å"Gender, on the other hand, refers to the meanings, values, and characteristics that people ascribe to different sexes. Sex is a biological concept, determined on the basis of individual s primary sex characteristics.† (Blackstone) Society gives social cues on the appropriate behavior for each sex. For example, women are to exert more feminine traits such as dependent, emotional, passive, innocent, nurturing, and/ or self-critical. On the other hand, men are to behave more masculine such asShow MoreRelatedAre Gender Roles Forced Upon Us?1435 Words   |  6 PagesAre Gender Roles Forced Upon Us? In American culture in the 1950s, men were the predominant head of the household and women were expected to cook, care for their kids, and clean. This is an excellent example of gender roles, and how they control certain aspects of life. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Statistical Analysis of Colored Stones by Using Random Sampling Free Essays

Statistical Analysis of Colored Stones by using Random Sampling Naomi Malary Lab Report 1 Ecology Lab 312 L-1 October 12, 2009 Introduction Random Sampling, a method often used by ecologist involves an unpredictable component. In this method, all members of the population have an equal chance of being selected as part of the sample. The results involving random sampling can be categorized as descriptive statistics and inferential statistics (Montague 2009). We will write a custom essay sample on Statistical Analysis of Colored Stones by Using Random Sampling or any similar topic only for you Order Now Descriptive statistics includes simplified calculations of a given sample and arrange this information into charts and graphs that are easy to contrast. Trying to reach conclusions that extend beyond the immediate data alone describes inferential statistics. To document the results of sampling, qualitative and quantitative data is used. Quantitative data lack is measured and identified on a numerical scale, whereas Qualitative data approximates data but does not measure characteristics, properties and etc. The purpose of this experiment was to use statistical analysis to evaluate random sampling of colored stones (Montague 2009). While conducting this experiment, we came up with a few null hypotheses. The first null hypothesis is that all the stones that have the same color weigh the same. The second null hypothesis is that there are more blue stones than red or yellow stones. Therefore the Blue stones will be picked the mosr. Our final null hypothesis is that the stones of the same color have the same length and that they will not vary in size. Method Our team was given a box of one hundred and two red, blue, and yellow stones. Team members A and B took turns choosing stones via random sampling, team member E recorded the color of the chosen stone. Team member C measured the weight of the stone with a scale, and team member D measured the length of the stone using a vernier capiler. Team members A and B placed the stones back into the box, mixed it, and we then repeated the procedure. Three sample sets were taken . The first set I were the first 5 samples taken (n=5), set II consist of n=10, and set III consist of n=30. Results There appeared to be a small difference between stone color and their average weight (Table1. and figures 1-3). Upon observation, you will see that the yellow stones were larger than the blue stones, and the blue stones were larger then the red stones (Table2. and figure 2-3). It can also be noted that the only sample set to have red stones selected was in set III (Figure 3). additionally, figure7 shows that blue stones were picked in greater proportion than the yellow and red stones. Discussion I hypothesized that all stones that share the same color weighs the same. According to table 2, all the stones of the same color do not share the same weight. Though the average seemed relatively the same, there still was a difference in the weight. Therefore, I must reject my null hypothesis on account of this information. The second null hypothesis stated that there are more blue stones than yellow or red stones, therefore more blue stones will be picked than any other stone. According to figure 7, the blue stones accounted for 44%, the yellow stones 38%, and the red stones 18%. Therefore I will not be rejecting my hypothesis on the basis that there were more blue stones present than any other color. The final null hypothesis stated that the stones of the same color have the same length. Table 2 and figures 5-7, accounted for the fact that the yellow stones were usually the longest and the red stones the shortest. Based on this information, I will not be rejecting this null hypothesis. Figure 1: Graph shows the average weight of each colored stone for set=5 Figure 2: Graph shows the average weight of each colored stone for set n=10 Figure3: Graph shows the average weight of each colored stone for set n=30 draw:frame} {draw:frame} {draw:frame} Figure 4: Graph shows the average weight of each colored stone for set=5 Figure 5: Graph shows the average weight of each colored stone for set n=10 Graph6: Graph shows the average weight of each colored stone for set n=30 {draw:frame} Figure 7: Pie chart shows the total proportion of the stones Reference Montegue, J. M. 2009. BIO 312L: Ecology Lab – Exercise 01 2009. Slides 10,11 Wikipedia, Random Sampling. www. wikipedia. com/random _sample How to cite Statistical Analysis of Colored Stones by Using Random Sampling, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Human Endocrine Physiology Assignment

Questions: 1) Explain why the endocrine system is regarded as one of the integrative systems of the body? What other physiological system also has this function?2) What is the difference between an endocrine, exocrine gland and a mixed gland? Give an example of each type of gland.3) What pancreatic tissues are involved in exocrine and endocrine secretions, outline their respective secretions.4) What is the difference between diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus? Outline the characteristic symptoms of diabetes insipidus?5) Outline the hormones secreted by the adrenal medulla? What are their respective functions?6) Why and what hormones produced by the adrenal gland are used in transplant patients? Answers: 1. The human endocrine system has integrative characteristics as the hormones generated by the endocrinal glands are the substances which act on a particular cell or tissue system at a distance and many others act in diverse body organs (Dubitzky, Southgate and Fuss, 2011). The human endocrinal system can obtain information from particular regions of the system ad can produce effects in the other areas. This system also provides functional assimilation for the body. The other physiological system which also has this function includes nervous system. The nervous system incorporates the system through a nervous network and connected to the peripheral and central neurons. The human endocrinal system integrates the system through hormones which travel through the blood circulation and are generated by the endocrinal glands. This designation is significant as both the nervous and endocrinal systems regulate and control biological functions and operate at distance obtaining information from different cells, tissues and organs and conveying efficient commands too tissues and organs, such as: hormones or nerve impulses and thus integrating the human system. 2. Endocrine gland Exocrine gland Mixed gland Secretions of the glands called hormones, collected by blood and contact the cells, tissues or organs through circulation Secretions of these glands are released through ducts externally into the intestinal lumen, mouth and skin. Have both endocrine and exocrine portions. Examples: pituitary gland, thyroid gland and adrenals Examples: salivary glands, sebaceous glands and gastric gland Example: seromucous gland, some sceretory cells are mucous and some secretory cells are serous. The cells of this gland secrete fluid intermediate varying between more thick mucoid substance and also watery substance (Goodenough, McGuire and Wallace, 2005). Pancreas is also an example of mixed gland. Ductless glands May or may not have ducts Pancreas secretes hormones within the blood circulation, for example: glucagon and insulin and also releases exocrine secretion, like: pancreatic juice. Discharge secretion directly to the blood Secrete enzymes Secrete hormones Secretion is directly poured at the action site or reaches the end Control long term function Control short term function 3. Pancreatic tissues are involved in endocrine and exocrine secretions. The exocrine secretion of pancreas is generated within the pancreatic acini. These are the aggregates of secretory cells, which surround tiny exocrine ducts. The exocrine cells of pancreas release digestive enzymes of pancreatic juice: trypsin, chymotripsin, amylase, carboxypeptidase, lipase, elastase, gelatinase, deoxyribonuclease and ribonuclease. The endocrinal secretion of pancreas is generated and secreted by tiny cell groups dispersed throughout organ, known as islets of Langerhans. These cells make somatostatin, glucagon and insulin. Several hormones take part in the carbohydrate metabolism regulation. Four of these hormones are secreted by islets of Langerhans within the pancreas: 2glucagon and insulin with major functions on the metabolism of glucose and 2pancreatic polupeptide and somatostatin with adjusting actions on glucagon and insulin secretion (Freeman, 2007). Other hormones that affect the metab olism of carbohydrate include: growth hormone, glucocorticoids, epinephrine and thyroid hormones. All these hormones are polypeptides. Insulin is released by beta cells, whereas, other hormones are produced by gastrointestinal mucosa. Both glucagon and insulin are important in carbohydrate regulation, lipid and protein metabolism. 4. Diabetes mellitus is said to be the disease reasoned by poor secretion of insulin by the pancreas or by damaged capturing of insulin by the cells. Diabetes insipidus is said to be the disease brought about deficient secretion of anti-diuretic hormone by pituitary gland or by damaged kidney sensitivity to this anti-diuretic hormone (Scobie, Samaras and Campbell, 2009). Hence, in a nutshell, diabetes mellitus is said to be a condition where an individual is suffering from high level of blood sugar and diabetes insipidus is a rare condition, which causes excessive thirst and frequent urinatiom and that is because of inadequate anti-diuretic hormone production by hypothalamus. Urination is less common in diabetes mellitus. In diabetes insipidus blood lacks anti-diuretic hormone and therefore, tubular water resorption is diminished within the kidneys and huge amount of urine is generated. Diabetes insipidus affected patients urinate extensively and frequently in a day (Parker and Parker, 2004). This indication can also present by polydipsia and by dehydration. Polydipsia is the condition while patient feels very thirsty and rise water ingestion (Shapiro, 2013). Other signs include wanting to get up to urinate during the night time, which is also termed as nocturia and bed-wetting. 5. The medullary region of adrenals exudes catecholamine group hormones, these are: adrenaline (epinephrine) and noradrenaline (norepinephrine) (Fox, 2013). Apart from their hormonal functions noradrenaline and adrenaline work as neurotransmitters. The neurons which utilize them as neurotransmitters are termed as adrenergic neurons. Adrenaline augments the process called glycogenolysis that means transformation of glycogen into glucose and thus raising basal metabolic rate and glycemia of the system. Nor adrenaline and adrenaline are secreted during risk situations, for example: flight response and these hormones strengthen the heartbeat rate and selectively adjust blood irrigation within some tissues by selective vasoconstriction and selective vasodilation. By the process of vasodilation these hormones increase blood supply towards the brain, heart and muscles and by vasoconstriction these hormones reduce the supply of blood to the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract and skin. Noradrenaline and adrenaline which promote vasoconstriction and vasodilation are known as vasoactive substances. 6. Glucocorticoids are used in transplant patients. These patients have a tendency to host versus graft rejection as their immune system has a propensity for attack the grafted organs. This is because of grafted tissue recognition as foreign substance. To treat and prevent this complication patients are administered with immunosuppressant or glucocorticoids. Glucocorticoids have immunosuppressant activity and therefore they diminish the antagonism of immune system against graft. Nevertheless, immune action is very important for individual. The immune system protects the human system against infection and invasion by pathogens, such as: bacteria, virus, and toxins. Individuals administered with immunosuppressant like glucocorticoids are under the risk of neoplastic and infectious diseases. References Dubitzky, W., Southgate, J. and Fuss, H. (2011).Understanding the dynamics of biological systems. New York: Springer. Fox, S. (2013).Human physiology. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Freeman, H. (2007). Pancreatic endocrine and exocrine changes in celiac disease.WJG, 13(47), p.6344. Goodenough, J., McGuire, B. and Wallace, R. (2005).Biology of humans. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. Parker, J. and Parker, P. (2004).The official patient's sourcebook on diabetes insipidus. San Diego, CA: ICON Health Publications. Scobie, I., Samaras, K. and Campbell, I. (2009).Diabetes mellitus. Abingdon, Oxford, UK: Health Press. Shapiro, M. (2013). Diabetes Insipidus: A Review.Journal of Diabetes Metabolism, s6(01).